Missing Data#

In our previous reading, we encountered a situation in which observations of total income (inctot) in our US American Community Survey data were set to 9999999 for children as a way of indicating that there was no meaningful data available for that group. And while using special numbers—Sentinel Values—to denote a lack of data / missing data is increasingly uncommon, missing data itself is not. There are endless situations in which we want to deliberately communicate that data is unavailable for specific observations. For example, someone taking a survey may have refused to answer certain questions, or a sensor on an industrial machine may have failed to record data for a specific period due to a wiring issue.

In those situations, we have two main options for indicating an observation is missing in Python:

  • np.nan: The most common is the “Not a Number” object in the numpy library: np.nan. np.nan is actually a specific value that can be taking by floating point numbers, so a np.nan value can appear in a numeric Series without causing problems.

  • None: The other way for denoting a missing value is the Python None object. As None is a Python object, it can only be used in a Series with an object datatype.

While np.nan and None look like normal entries in a pandas Series or DataFrame, they do exhibit some odd behavior to be aware of.

First, as happens with missing values in many languages, np.nan == np.nan will always return false:

import numpy as np

np.nan == np.nan

This isn’t true for None, as None == None does return True, but as a Data Scientist you’ll see np.nan more often than None since it can represent missing data in a numeric Series.

This can cause problems if, for example, you wanted to get all the rows of a DataFrame with missing values. To illustrate, suppose our small world dataset didn’t have data for Mozambique (the value was np.nan):

import pandas as pd

smallworld = smallworld = pd.read_csv(
smallworld.loc[smallworld.country == "Mozambique", "polityIV"] = np.nan
country region gdppcap08 polityIV
0 Brazil S. America 10296 18.0
1 Germany W. Europe 35613 20.0
2 Mexico N. America 14495 18.0
3 Mozambique Africa 855 NaN
4 Russia C&E Europe 16139 17.0
5 Ukraine C&E Europe 7271 16.0

Now suppose we wanted to get all the rows with missing polity scores. The natural way to do this would be:

smallworld.loc[smallworld.polityIV == np.nan]
country region gdppcap08 polityIV

But as we can see, this doesn’t work! Why? Because even when the actual value in the DataFrame is np.nan, np.nan == np.nan doesn’t return True, and so we don’t get any rows.

To deal with this, pandas offers two utility functions: pd.isnull(np.nan) and pd.notnull(np.nan) that you can use. So for example, to get rows with no polity scores, we’d run:

country region gdppcap08 polityIV
3 Mozambique Africa 855 NaN

Or we can use it as a method too:

country region gdppcap08 polityIV
3 Mozambique Africa 855 NaN

pd.isnull() also has the advantage of working the same with both None and np.nan, as:


So if, for example, our data didn’t have a polity score for Mozambique but we just learned what it should be, we could edit that specific value with:

smallworld.loc[smallworld.polityIV.isnull(), "polityIV"] = 5
country region gdppcap08 polityIV
0 Brazil S. America 10296 18.0
1 Germany W. Europe 35613 20.0
2 Mexico N. America 14495 18.0
3 Mozambique Africa 855 5.0
4 Russia C&E Europe 16139 17.0
5 Ukraine C&E Europe 7271 16.0

Missing Data and .value_counts()#

One important thing to flag is that the .value_counts() tool we introduced in our data cleaning exercise will, by default, ignore missing values when it provides a list of all unique values and their frequencies. So if, for example, our American Community Survey data used np.nan instead of n/a for missing values of the employment status, .value_counts() would do the following:

acs = pd.read_stata(

acs.loc[acs["empstat"] == "n/a", "empstat"] = np.nan
employed              148758
not in labor force    104676
unemployed              7727
n/a                        0
Name: count, dtype: int64

While this can be a useful behavior, sometimes we want to know about observations with missing values. In those situations, you have to pass the dropna=False keyword argument to value_counts():

employed              148758
not in labor force    104676
NaN                    57843
unemployed              7727
n/a                        0
Name: count, dtype: int64

Other Missing Data Tools#

In addition to pd.isnull() and pd.notnull(), pandas also has some additional missing value tools that you may find useful:

  • .fillna(x): Replace missing values with the value of x

  • .dropna(): Drop rows with missing values.

  • .count(): Returns the number of NON-MISSING observations.

And that’s how, once we’ve found problems, we can fix problems in our data!


  • Long ago, people represented missing data using “Sentinel Values”—numeric values unlikely to occur naturally, like 9999999.

  • Today, Python has two representations of missing data: np.nan, which is a special value of floating point numbers, and None, which is a Python object.

  • A special characteristic of np.nan is that np.nan == np.nan will always return False, so to subset for missing observations, one must use pd.isnull() or pd.notnull(), not == np.nan or != np.nan.

  • This is not true of None, as None == None returns True, but as a data scientist you’re likely to encounter np.nan more than None.

  • Moreover, pd.isnull() and pd.notnull() treat np.nan and None identically.

  • .value_counts() will only report the number of observations that are missing if you use .value_counts(dropna=False).